Friday, 19 February 2010

~~Blue cake - Vera


This cakes ordered by Vera ( He requested birthday cake with blue theme color special for his fren i guess.. He request the simplest cake with wording "Happy B'day".

Chocolate cake with butter cream icing

Thursday, 28 January 2010

~~yellowish cuppies

Haa, cuppies ni ordered by Amai's fren.. mggu ni agak bz di opis, dah kalut mmbuat tu kenelah kerah tenaga askar, sib baiklah Ehsan ada.

~~Bufday Hana

These cuppies ordered by my sister specially for her beloved daughter on her bufday.

Luv Hana, my beloved niece.

~~Bufday Rose n Adah

These Cuppies special for Rose and Adah on their bufday. Disebabkan tarikh lahir mereka dekat2 so celebrate sekali la.

Monday, 11 January 2010

~~lovely cakes

Variety of cakes!!!

Kek 'Hantaran' for my Hubby during our wedding..
Chocolate cakes wif Cherry deco.

This one for my fren.. Chocolate wif butter cakes...

This one special for my beloved Ifni on her bufday... She like it very much.

~~amai's favor

This cuppies requested by Amai.
Just the simple one..

~~toons time

hana's favourite

Chocolate and butter flavour


Hallo Hallo~~

This is my very first post for this blog. Just to share some pics of also my very first cuppy.. Deco this cuppy just for suka suki on Aug 2009...

My beloved niece really luve it... yay!!